beep beep beep

(and other construction noises)

Hello! I’m Carolyn (Borkowski, to be specific). Welcome to my little slice of the World Wide Web.

As you may have noticed from all those construction noises, this website is undergoing a major renovation.

Please don’t report me to OSHA, they can’t find out these hard hats are from Party City.

Don’t worry, it’s not gonna be some lame, painting-over-original-hardwood-floors, sanding-down-hand-carved-details-in-the-moulding, taking-a-hammer-to-colorful-tiling-in-the-bathroom, Flip-or-Flop-(Flops Only Edition) type of thing. Preservation of slay is of utmost importance ’round these parts.

“But Carolyn, didn’t you do this like, not that long ago and feel really good about it? It was super sick, for real! Def the best it’s ever been!”

Haha, yeah. So true. 😗✌️

Anyways, I’m still around town, of course. Email me at or reach out to me via LinkedIn.